what are the advantages and disadvantages of downloading ?
music and video :
advantages :
You can download at any time and you get the music (almost) straight away.
You may only have to pay for the songs you want - you don't have to buy a whole CD just to get one track , you may be able to purchase just one track making the experience cheaper.
downloading is time consuming and money saver because you can download as many songs as you like. It is not only the music that we can download, but we can also download music videos and movies as well as games. We also share downloads with our friends for free.
disadvantage :
corrupted files and inaccuracies
sound quality
software :
try before you buy
saves money
large variety of selection
saves time and space
open source software
disadvantages :
personal information
data limit
books :
co-friendly option that both reduces cost and lowers environmental impact.
Information can be obtained without leaving your desk.
Unlike paper books and materials, digital books only require one device to carry around with you. This means you can carry a library of various book genres for every mood.
disadvantage :
not convenient to read
printing cost
music and video :
advantages :
You can download at any time and you get the music (almost) straight away.
You may only have to pay for the songs you want - you don't have to buy a whole CD just to get one track , you may be able to purchase just one track making the experience cheaper.
downloading is time consuming and money saver because you can download as many songs as you like. It is not only the music that we can download, but we can also download music videos and movies as well as games. We also share downloads with our friends for free.
disadvantage :
corrupted files and inaccuracies
sound quality
software :
try before you buy
saves money
large variety of selection
saves time and space
open source software
disadvantages :
personal information
data limit
books :
co-friendly option that both reduces cost and lowers environmental impact.
Information can be obtained without leaving your desk.
Unlike paper books and materials, digital books only require one device to carry around with you. This means you can carry a library of various book genres for every mood.
disadvantage :
not convenient to read
printing cost
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